Tuesday 26 January 2016

George H. W. Bush

George H.W. Bush like his son was a controversial president. They were loved by some and hated by most. But even if public opinion of Bush Jr. was the lowest of any president in the history of the United States Of America, he never did anything as strange as his father did 24 years ago. George H.W Bush who served as commander in chief from the years 1989 to 1993 has potentially to date the strangest encounter with a foreign dignitary  in American history.

George H. W. Bush, President of the United States, 1989 official portrait.jpgAt a banquet hosted by then Japanese prime minister Kiichi Miyazawa on January 8 1992, which was a state event which attended by 135 diplomats from around the world, George H.W. Bush vomited on Prime Minister Miyazawa. Yes, you read that correctly folks, the leader of the free world threw up or how some may say "threw his cookies" on the leader of  Japan. This is the only time in the history of the modern world that one diplomat has threw up onto another politician from another country. The U.S government exclaimed many apologies to the nation of Japan for getting vomit on their leader and blamed it on a flu bug which the president had caught during a 12 day trip through Asia. In the picture seen below you can see George's wife Barbara wiping his mouth in front of the very confused and barf covered Japanese prime minister.

This event caused worldwide laughter and became material for every comedian and late night show in the country. Even the Japaenese joined in on the fun creating the phrase Bushu-suru, which means to do the bush thing. For example in Japan if you fart in a empty elevator and get caught, you can get called Bushu-suru and it is merited.


  1. 12. As you've said many disliked the Bush family, including me haha and I never knew that he actually threw up on the Prime Minister Miyazawa. That's actually hilarious and I have never heard of someone in such a high place in the government embarrass themselves to this extent! Love your blog!

  2. typical bush! what a guy, him and his way of doing things has always interested me ! I think what he did in the middle east affected alot of the united states and resulted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks that had occured!!I just dont know what he was thinking ... why why why

  3. That ending made me laugh! I can't imagine having a whole country use my name as a synonim for "idiot" or "clumsy". At least the japanese people had a good sense of humor about the accident. I know I would be so mad if somebody puked on my shoes, especially if I was president! The Bush family always makes me laugh.

  4. What a embarrassing thing to do on the international stage. To imagine one president vomiting on another country's leader is such a strange thought. Those bushes are always doing weird stuff like this, this reminds me of the time when a man threw a shoe at George W. Bush while in Iraq. Like who does that and why are the bushes always involed! Great work keep it up.

  5. This was very shocking reading. Could not believe someone of his stature could do something like that. I would have maybe not attended knowing i could possibly get people sick or even puke on them like he did. But anyways it was still a very funny story and gave me a good laugh while reading.

  6. Another great blog Chris, I never really like Bush and I can tell the Japanese don't either. Maybe that's why Japanese shows are always portraying Americans as stupid. I can't believe he showed up sick and even risked embarrassing himself to that degree.
